07 Juli 2011

Professors: Cash Cows or Intellectual Leaders?

There are lots of books and articles about university leadership and management. But the role of 'full' or 'chair' professors rarely, if ever, gets a mention. This seems a curious omission. The reason for it is that universities have gradually converted the role of professors into narrowly defined knowledge entrepreneurs. My own research shows that professors often feel excluded or marginalised within their own institutions as a result. Why has this happened?
There was a time when a 'full' or 'chair' professor would be an all-rounder. They would teach, conduct research and probably also be the head of department. This latter role was essential in the days before the rise of managerialism, when university senates were still powerful. Professors were influential members of such bodies as of right. Without a professor as head an academic department would be effectively unrepresented.
But the expansion of higher education has withered the power of senates and the relative influence of professors. Academic self-governance is in retreat and professors are increasingly seen as cosmopolitans rather than organisational 'locals'.
As higher education has globalised and massified, the role of professors has unbundled. The 'research' professor has replaced the all-rounder as the default model.
More on the University World News site
Source: University World News, Issue No: 0178, 03 July 2011

Academic Freedom Reports Worldwide

An Iranian student activist and prisoner of conscience remains in solitary confinement after 37 days in prison with interrogation completed. Charges against a Colombian academic arrested two yeas ago, accused of links with left-wing guerrillas, have been dropped, and he has been released. A student pilot in Iran has been jailed for a year over Facebook activities, including interviews with international media and publicising political activity. A constitutional law scholar in China has gone missing, believed detained in relation to high numbers of independent candidates running in local elections.
More on the University World News site
Source: University World News, Issue No: 0177, 26 June 2011