28 Juni 2009

Indonesia: Plans for ‘World’s Largest Library’

David Jardine
The University of Indonesia, the country's leading higher education institution, has announced spectacular plans to build "the largest library in Asia, possibly the world", according to a university spokesperson. Work on the library is to begin later this year.
In a country without a deep-rooted reading culture, although the national literacy rate is far above what it was in Dutch colonial times, this is indeed ambitious and possibly rather reckless. UI will be taking on a student body with much the same indifference to book reading as the wider public, although proponents of the library, to be built at Depok outside Jakarta, are optimistic.
More on the University World News site
Source: University World News, Issue No: 0082 28 June 2009

On-line Forum Prior to World Conference

In the run-up to next week’s Unesco World Conference on Higher Education*, a series of regional meetings refined the themes to internationalism, regionalism and globalisation, as well as equity, access and quality and, finally, learning, research and innovation. Officials regarded the consultative process as highly productive but they also wanted to broaden the debate while ensuring the discussions reached the broadest consensus on practical solutions proposed. As part of this process, Unesco organised a three-week online internet forum ahead of the conference so the issues raised could be fed into conference debates.
Georges Haddad, Director of Unesco's Higher Education Division, said: "The objective of this forum was to contribute to the work of the conference by broadening and sharpening the debate on the future of higher education with a view to extending it beyond the conference itself - opening the windows to new thoughts, ideas and solutions that will inform policy making at system and institutional levels and empower the younger generation of thinkers and higher education leaders."
More on the University World News site
Source: University World News, Issue No: 0082 28 June 2009

21 Juni 2009

US$400 Million to Build Vietnam World-class Universities

‘New model’, ‘high-quality’ and ‘quick access to international standard’ were phrases used by Tran Thi Ha, Director of the University Education Department in the Ministry of Education and Training, when talking about plans to build four world-class universities.
Ha said one of the four universities of international standard will be the Vietnam-Germany University, which has been operating in HCM City with Germany being the main partner. The second university will be the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, whose strategic partner will be the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
The Ministry is moving ahead with a plan to establish two universities of international standard in Da Nang and Can Tho cities, whose strategic partners will be the Da Nang and Can Tho universities. Strategic partners will also be selected from the US, Japan and Russia. The government will spend $400 million sourced from loans from the World Bank and Asia Development Bank to build the four universities.
Full report on the VietNamNet Bridge site
Source: University World News, Issue No: 0081 21 June 2009

19 Juni 2009

Ujian Perbaikan Sosiologi 2009

Mahasiswa Fapet angkatan 2008 yg ikut kuliah Sosiologi di Kelas D, diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan Ujian Perbaikan.
Pada hari Senin 22 Juni 2009, jam 10.30, di Gd.2, Ruangan Pak Nugraha.
Ujian LISAN...!
Mahasiswa yang diberi kesempatan ujian perbaikan adalah mahasiswa angk 2008 dengan NPM: 0125 - 0126 - 0130 - 0134 - 0138 - 0139 - 0145 - 0147 - 0154 (lisan+tertulis) - 0155.

15 Juni 2009

Why Boys Can't Keep Up With Girls

Is the future female? asks Lee Elliot Major in The Guardian. Ten years ago I wrote an article for the New Statesman magazine predicting as much, on the back of figures showing women for the first time making up the majority of university admissions - a transformation from the exclusive preserve of white, middle- and upper-class males that made up academe as little as 50 years ago.
Last week, a report by the Higher Education Policy Institute once again documented the relentless rise of girls in the educational stakes. Females now outperform males on just about every higher education indicator, at every university in the land (with the exception of Oxbridge entry, where the sexes remain tied), and in most degree subjects.
The educational gender gap has emerged as a worrying trend. Female pupils outnumber males two-to-one, for example, on university summer schools, the week-long visits to encourage more non-privileged students to consider elite research universities. The annual surveys of 11- to 16-year-olds, meanwhile, show that boys consistently lag behind girls in their aspirations to go onto higher education.
Full report on The Guardian site
Source: University World News, Issue No: 0080 14 June 2009

10 Juni 2009

Sensus: Sebuah Metode atau Hanya Sekedar Teknik Pengambilan Data

Nugraha Setiawan

Dalam wacana metodologi penelitian yang sering mencuat mengenai terminologi sensus adalah, apakah sensus merupakan sebuah metode penelitian atau hanya sekedar teknik pengambilan data. Penulis sendiri berpendapat bahwa sensus adalah sebuah metode. Penjelasan ringkasnya sebagai berikut:

Buku-buku metode penelitian sekarang ini, jarang yang membahas mengenai sensus. Berbeda sekali dengan survey, sehingga pada saat ini survey lebih akrab dengan para peneliti. Padahal sensus itu sendiri berkembang jauh lebih awal dibandingkan dengan survey. Hasil telaah kepustakaan mengenai ini menyatakan, sensus modern telah berkembang sejak 1810-an, sementara survey modern baru berkembang sejak 1960-an (Shryock dan Siegel, 1976).

Kembali pada perdebatan mengenai sensus, ada baiknya menyimak beberapa definisi berikut ini:

“A CENSUS is the complete enumeration of a population or groups at a point in time with respect to well defined characteristics, for example: population census is the total process of collecting, compiling, evaluating, analysing and publishing or otherwise disseminating demographic, economic and social data pertaining, at a specified time, to all persons in a country or in a well delimited part of a country.”

“A SURVEY is an investigation about the characteristics of a given population by means of collecting data from a sample of that population and estimating their characteristics through the systematic use of statistical methodology.”

(1) Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE), "Terminology on Statistical Metadata", Conference of European Statisticians Statistical Standards and Studies, No. 53, Geneva, 2000.
(2) Shryock, J.S. dan J.S. Siegel, “The Methods and Materials of Demography”, Academic Press, New York, 1976.
(3) The International Statistical Institute, “The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms”, edited by Yadolah Dodge, Oxford University Press, 2003.

08 Juni 2009

Indonesia: Special Scheme's Growth Impedes Access

Students from poor families will likely find it increasingly difficult to enter state-owned universities in Indonesia in the coming years, as the number of seats offered through special entrance schemes – which require higher admission fees – are steadily increasing, writes Yuli Tri Suwarni for The Jakarta Post.
The Bandung Institute of Technology, for example, will offer 1,140 of its total 2,985 seats (or 38%) to students who pass a special entrance test this academic year. As of 2004, just 13% to 20% of seats were made available through this scheme. The Indonesian Education University makes some 80% or 3,500 of a total of 4,205 seats available through special - a marked rise from the 40% it offered in 2007.
Asep Gana Suganda, secretary of the local committee of the 2009 university entrance tests (SNMPTN) said the committee only printed 28,000 application forms because of the increasing trend of students choosing to take special entrance tests over the national test. Over 55,000 students took the regular tests in 2001, but just 28,000 took it last year.
More on the University World News site
Source: University World News, Issue No: 0079 07 June 2009

US-Islamic World: Obama's Cooperation Plan

Wagdy Sawahel
US President Barack Obama has announced a plan for promoting cooperation between the US and Islamic States in higher education, science, technology and innovation in a bid to promote the development of a knowledge-based society in the Muslim world.
Obama launched the plan during his historic address, A new beginning, at the University of Cairo last Thursday: "All of us must recognise that education and innovation will be the currency of the 21st century and in too many Muslim communities there remains under-investment in these areas", he said. The US president called for "a new beginning between the United States and Muslims", declaring that Americans "were ready to join with citizens and governments, community organisations, religious leaders and businesses in Muslim communities to help our people pursue a better life".
Full report on the University World News site
Source: University World News, Issue No: 0079 07 June 2009

03 Juni 2009

Ibu Prita Mulyasari Menulis di Internet: Ditahan Karena Mengeluhkan Pelayanan Rumah Sakit OMNI

Seorang Ibu membuat sebuah tulisan di dunia maya, yang berisi keluhan dengan bahasa yang menurut saya sangat santun dan apa adanya tentang pelayanan yang dirasa tidak memuaskan dari sebuah rumah sakit. Substansi yang ditulis oleh Ibu Prita Mulyasari pada intinya hanya mengeluhkan pelayanan rumah sakit, namun pihak rumah sakit tidak senang dan merasa terusik dengan tulisan tersebut, sehingga berusaha untuk memenjarakan Ibu Prita.
Sangat Ironis. Bagi saya ini merupakan cerminan carut-marutnya hukum di Indonesia dan hegemoni kekuatan ekonomi. Konsumen jasa yang seyogyanya di dunia beradab mendapatkan pelayanan yang baik, di negeri kita malah sengaja dibungkam hak-haknya.
Saya sarankan pembaca tulisan ini untuk mendukung Ibu Prita, paling tidak dukungan do'a agar tetap diberi kekuatan untuk menegakkan hak-hak konsumen. Namun kalau pembaca penasaran dan ingin membaca tulisan lengkapnya seperti apa, silakan KLIK Tulisan lengkap yang dibuat Ibu Prita Mulyasari (detikom)

01 Juni 2009

The Business of Higher Education in US

Timothy McGettigan
Professor of Sociology at Colorado State University
In recent years, colleges and universities have encountered increasing pressure to operate like businesses. As the logic goes, businesses must survive in a cut-throat climate of unfettered competition and thus their organisations need to be leaner, more efficient and more responsive to the needs of their customers than not-for-profit organisations, such as colleges and universities.
In the unforgiving crucible of free market competition, only the fittest businesses (for example, those that deliver the highest quality products at fair market value), will survive. Of course, the seemingly endless government bail-outs following the 2008 financial crash cast a dubious light on the above claims, nevertheless, the notion that higher education should embrace a more business-like organizational philosophy remains deeply entrenched.
Full report on the University World News site
Source: University World News, Issue No: 0078 31 May 2009