03 Februari 2010

Measuring Student Learning, Globally

Nearly two years after the Bush administration said it would not participate in an international experiment aimed at developing a global assessment of student learning, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development on Wednesday formally announced the launch of the effort - with the full participation of the United States and the Obama administration - reports Doug Lederman for Inside Higher Ed.
The Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO) project aims to gauge whether it is possible to develop "reliable and useful comparisons of learning outcomes" that are valid across countries with different cultures and languages, said Richard Yelland, who heads the Education Management and Infrastructure Division at the OECD. The experiment will focus on producing three separate measures: one designed to measure general skills, and two in disciplines, economics and engineering. The Australian Council for Educational Research will lead a consortium that will develop the discipline-specific tests.
More on the University World News site
Source: University World News, Issue No: 0109, 31 Januari 2010

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

assalamualaikum wr. wb.
perkenalkan pak, saya Wahyu Ramdani
Fapet D 09, yang tadi ada jadwal kuliah sosiologi dengan bapak

mohon bimbingannya. :)